Zarganar Blog, Human rights in Burma

Zarganar is the most famous artist of Burma, and a former political prisoner.

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POLITICAL & social life in Burma

© Amnesty International France

Human trafficking : a challenge that could be solved

One of the biggest obstacles to fighting human trafficking in Burma seems to be the archaic legal structure, especially in the villages and towns act, which allows civilian authorities to conscript labor for building projects and other activities.

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Aid workers arrested and sentenced after Cyclone Nargis

Aung Kyaw San, arrested June 14, 2008, sentence 7 years (Taungyi prison). Released January 2011 Cho Cho Tin, arrested June 1, 2008, sentence 2 years (Tharkayta prison) Free ? Myat Thu, arrested# Lin Htet Naing, arrested June 14, 2008, sentence 4

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I have been a leading monk in restoring peace

Ashin Pyinna Thiha is a prominent Buddhist monk and the abbot of a monastery in Rangoon, which has recently become a popular venue for political events. The Sangha Council, Burma’s official state council of Buddhist monks, had previously banned him

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Oppio :la nazione birmana si conferma secondo principale coltivatore al mondo

La coltivazione di oppio dal 2006 a oggi nel Sud-est asiatico è raddoppiata; in particolare, nell’ultimo anno la crescita più significativa si è registrata in Myanmar (+ 14% nel 2011) e Laos. È quanto emerge da un rapporto diffuso oggi dal

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World AIDS Day

About 76,000 people need drug therapy, and an estimated 236,000 people live with HIV in Burma. According to the United Nations website, HIV prevalence in Burma among female sex workers was 11.2 %; people who inject drugs, 34.6 %; men who have sex

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Hillary Clinton confermando il pieno sostegno alla lotta democratica

Il Myanmar è “sulla via della democrazia” e “se lavoriamo tutti assieme”, non ci saranno “marce indietro”. È quanto ha affermato Aung San Suu Kyi nell’incontro di oggi con il segretario di Stato Usa Hillary Clinton, definito “un momento storico”

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US and Burma : three key sticking points

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Burma to release political prisoners. In response, Thura Shwe Mann (speaker of the Burmese Lower House) said he pledged that "we will do as much as we can in order that all citizens including

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Il Parlamento approva la legge che legalizza le proteste di piazza

Il Parlamento birmano ha approvato la legge che legalizza le “pacifiche dimostrazioni di piazza”. La conferma arriva oggi da un deputato della Camera alta, secondo cui ora manca solo la firma del presidente Thein Sein per l’entrata in vigore della

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Il vertice Asean

Il vertice di Bali rappresenta il debutto sulla scena politica internazionale del nuovo governo birmano, formato da civili ma vicino alla leadership militare che ha guidato per decenni la nazione con il pugno di ferro. Le ultime riforme avviate

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Cyclone Nargis : informal networks and local leaders important in helping survive

The survey, released in October, was carried out in the Irrawaddy Delta by a team comprising four expatriates and 15 local researchers from two community-based organizations. The study titled, “Myanmar – Surviving the Storm: Self-Protection and

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Permission required for prayer and Bible study

On 14 October 2011 the Chairman of Maw Wan Ward in Phakant Township, Kachin State sent a letter to local churches, titled “Concerning Christians conducting cultural training”. The letter refers to an order by the General Township Administration

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Burmese regime violate religious freedom. CSW Report

The regime continues to violate religious freedom, most recently attacking churches in Kachin State and imposing new restrictions on church activities. Christians and Muslims continue to face serious restrictions, discrimination and, in some areas,

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Monastic education the only option for Burma’s Poor

Between approximately 1 million and 2 million children in Burma are unable to study because of their family’s economic hardship. According to parents with school-age children, monthly expenses for a student in the government-run school can range from

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Aung San Suu Kyi wins Chatham House Prize

Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese democracy campaigner, has been voted the winner of the Chatham House Prize 2011. The annual award is presented to the statesperson deemed to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international

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Exclusive interview with Tay Za, burmese billionaire

''Tay Za owns the largest network of businesses in Burma. becoming a billionaire through his connections with Burma’s dictatorial military junta, No foreign journalist had ever been allowed to meet him. Raimondo Bultrini, an intalian journalist, did

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Wikileak's cables about Nargis Cyclone

The cable, which is dated 11 June 2008, also states that Maung Aye claimed that 300,000 people had been killed by the cyclone. Maung Aye, according to the cable was so incensed by coverage of the disaster that he ordered the sealing off of the delta

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la Corea del Sud è un simbolo di speranza.

Per le migliaia di lavoratori birmani che hanno scelto di lasciare la propria casa per cercare un lavoro lontano dai confini del Myanmar, la Corea del Sud è una delle destinazioni più popolari: un simbolo di speranza per il loro futuro. La

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US aid post Nargis report : need for better monitoring

Cyclone Nargis hit Burma's impoverished Irrawaddy Delta on May 2, 2008, leaving nearly 140,000 people dead or missing and severely affecting about 2.4 million others, according to the UN. The Burmese military government initially blocked most access

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ILO : una crescita “drammatica” di lavoro forzato.

In Myanmar si registra una crescita “drammatica” nelle denunce riguardanti i casi di lavoro forzato. L’aumento è dovuto anche alla maggiore consapevolezza del problema fra i cittadini, che riportano con più frequenza i casi rispetto al passato. È

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Allow the the Red Cross to return to Burma

US Senator John McCain said he expects that in the coming weeks the Burmese government will allow the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to return to Burma and grant the organization access to prisoners. ICRC's access to prisoners is the

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