BURMA / MYANMAR. Since Zarganar's release, ZBlog is moving into a global human rights monitoring platform : political and social rights and life, including development initiatives. At the moment, hundreds prisoners of conscience are still under the bars. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONNERS. NOW !

FIDH Open Letter to EU (part about political prisoners)
While we acknowledge that positive steps have been taken by the government in Burma/Myanmar, we caution that reforms have not led to progress towards national reconciliation. Nor have they sought to stem the ongoing human rights abuses and impunity,

Anyeint performance by Zarganar
On 27 March Ambassador Joan Boer presented the 2012 Prince Claus Award to Zarganar during a historic Anyeint performance by Zarganar in the People's Square in Yangon. The exciting theatrical performance lasted 5 and a half hours and was attended by

HRW : coordinated attacks on Muslims
Burmese officials, community leaders, and Buddhist monks organized and encouraged ethnic Arakanese backed by state security forces to conduct coordinated attacks on Muslim neighborhoods and villages in October 2012 to terrorize and forcibly relocate

POLITICAL & social life in Burma
Military will continue to play political role
Addressing more than 6,300 soldiers, Myanmar's Commander-in-Chief Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said that the military will continue to play a political role as the country transforms itself into a democracy. The military must strengthen its capabilities

Development & capacity building
Burma not ready for rights-compliant investment
The current legal, political, and economic context in Burma does not enable foreign investment that complies with key international norms and standards. In spite of the recent reforms, FIDH and Altsean-Burma believe that Burma continues to lack the

Crise d'identité de la police
Parent pauvre des forces de sécurité sous la junte, la police birmane est aujourd'hui sous pression pour assumer son rôle de maintien de l'ordre, tiraillée entre ceux qui dénoncent ses interventions musclées et ceux qui lui reprochent une inaction