Women and children suffer the most in the wake of Rakhine conflict, said the Rakhine Women’s Network in Sittwe.

It said that security and health conditions in the state have not yet returned to normal. In addition, the conflict has made Rakhine women and children insecure about their security.

“If a household has a certain problem, the major impact is on women and children. Even in Sittwe, there are weaknesses apart from the education, health and security of young people and children. For example, hospitals don’t have enough doctors, medicines and health staff. But the situation is in control due to the help of some civic organisations,” said Rakhine Women’s Network.

Dr Nyo Nyo Thin, a member of parliament, also said: “After a conflict, women and children have to mainly suffer its repercussions. In the international community, governments adopt policies to protect the security and health of women and children in the wake of a conflict. If we cannot do so as in the global community, the Rakhine state government should adopt special plans. In this situation, women and children are subject to human trafficking and exploitations.”

2012.12.21 Eleven Myanmar