
Do you think that public pressure helped Zarganar's release ?

Mittermeier: I'm sure, As he is in the first wave, because the Myanmar government has never done anything without calculating in advance what brings it to him. In the case of Zarganar the the public pressure did something. Not only because of us, many have worked worldwide : Amnesty International, Burma Campaign UK, there was also a representative of the federal German government in Burma, with which we spoke before. He has also tried to visit Zarganar. Those were all things that showed that you can no longer conceal. I also believe, when all together try something, then it could work. Life in Burma is now not better. But it is a great moment - and for the people here int he street - when you realize : yes, it works. Often, people are frustrated and say, come on, there is no way. It is beautiful, then there is a positive message.

And Zarganar is released under condition.

Mitter Meier : A friend of mine, a comedian from Canada, said : Zarganar is the bravest comedian on the planet. It will probably be other comedians who bravely go their way. But I know only this man who dares to concentrate on the stage - and it has now done so again - though he knew it could be that I will now arrested again. He has also gave yesterday at the airport the same interviews that he should not have to give.

Do you think he will now remain free ?

MitterMeier: I do not think they will put him in jail again, at the moment, because the government, the military, they do not take the pelt. That would be a great loss of face.

Do you want to contact him, see him ?

MitterMeier: If possible, of course, but it is very difficult. He will not go out, I do not know if I can enter in Myanmar. We must find a way. So how does it happen then finally, I can not tell you.

Will you tell us what you want to discuss with him ?

MitterMeier: I do not know, we would meet just once and I am pleased to meet a man I have the feeling to know very well, but I never seen in my life. Zag, I think, will also pleased because - who knows - he have seen me from the screen. The documentary was played yesterday all day long in Burma by the Democratic Voice of Burma, although broadcast is illegal, in honor of its release. We want for our documentary like a happy end. On 2 November, it is played at ZDF Television - even before the DVD is coming on the market on November 4. It is a pity, now we are not able to do a happy ending, because the DVD is manufactured. We will put a sticker on it, saying we are happy he is free. But in the future - who knows ? That would be nice once. I love happy endings, anyway.

2011.10.15 The Epoch Times Germany