
"The release of Zarganar is a joyful news and we hope that there will be more people like him because there are too many prisoners, political prisoners still in there," said actress Michelle Yeoh, who plays Aung San Suu Kyi. "We hope and we pray that there will be more people like him released. It shows the new government of Burma is starting out on the right path," Yeoh told a news conference at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korea. Yeoh is in Busan to promote "The Lady", Suu Kyi's life story, directed by Luc Besson.

The Frenchman had only moments earlier told reporters that "until the day Zarganar is released, I think there will be no democracy in Burma". When informed that Zarganar had been released, Besson at first reacted in disbelief. Once the report was confirmed, the director said it was the "best news" he had heard all day.
