
Thursday January 27, 2011 in front of the City Hall, were gathered

  • Mr Pierre Schapira, Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of International Relations, European Affairs and Francophonie,
  • Mr Sylvain Garel, Consellor of Paris
  • Mr Hermano Sanchez Ruivo, Consellor of Paris



  • Mrs Jane Birkin, actress and singer.

to call for the effective and unconditional release of comedian Zarganar and all 2189 political prisoners who remains imprisoned in Burma, under vague laws, frequently used to criminalize peaceful political dissent.



After Aung San Suu Kyi, the political figure symbolizing the struggle for democracy, the Burmese government should release Zarganar, most famous Burmese actor and comedian, an artist engaged in humanitarian aid to victims of Cyclone Nargis, and a symbol for civic involvement

Mrs Aung San Suu Kyi est Citizen of Honnor of the City of Paris

Pictures and videos © Amnesty International France