The 4 Screens European Festival took place from 18-20 November in Paris. It is aimed at anybody who takes a lively interest in media and news, including audiovisual professionals and, especially, digital natives* - young people who have always lived in a web-enabled world. Our goal: To expose them to new creative developments in European audiovisual production, with an eye on informed exploration. This is a unique opportunity to exchange and compare views with decision makers and experts from Europe and the United States. For this 2009 edition, high ranking representatives from The New York Times, The Guardian, the BBC and the Prisa group confirmed their participation. These influential movers and shakers from the media sphere are coming to share their views on the future of news-based communication,

Four separate competitions comprise the viewing program: Feature Films, Web Films, Mobile productions and Phone Reporters. One requirement unites the chosen films: A willingness to look at life as it's being lived today. 16 european countries in competition.

VJ Burma awarded by the 4 Screens Grand Prix and Youth Jury Prize. A triumph !

Though risking torture and life in jail, courageous young citizens of Burma live the essence of journalism as they insist on keeping up the flow of news from their closed country. The film offers a unique insight into high-risk journalism and dissidence in a police state, while at the same time providing a thorough documentation of the historical and dramatic days of September 2007 that gave the world iconic images of Buddhist monks marching. One of the stronger documentaries of the year.

4 Screens European Festival