
Enigma Images is James Mackay, a documentary photographer based in South East Asia and the UK. His work specialises in Burma, both undercover in-country and around political and human rights issues along it's borders and those in exile around the world. His work has been exhibited in London and Bangkok, published in film, books and media including The New York Times, VOGUE magazine, The Independent, The Observer, Washington Post and Irrawaddy Magazine and has been recognised with a number of awards including the Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3) 2011 (4 awards), 2010 (2 awards) and 2009 (2 awards)

2011.06.20. 4 Awards : WINNER Photojournalism (People) ; WINNER Photojournalism (Political) ; RUNNER UP Photojournalism (Political) ; THIRD PLACE Photojournalism (Political) PX3 Winners 2011

2010.06.09 2 Awards : 2010 - WINNER Photojournalism (Political) ; 2010 - RUNNER UP Photojournalism (Political).

2010.06.08 Irrawaddy The PX3 is one of the biggest and most important photography competitions in Europe. The jury selected 2010’s winners from thousands of photography entries from more than 85 countries.

The 1st Place prize went to Mackay's “Suffer Little Children: The Victims of Burma’s Man-Made Disaster,” The photos document the lives of some of the thousands of children that have been forced to flee Burma to receive medical care and treatment at the Mae Tao clinic in Mae Sot.

The 2nd Place prize was a major photo essay project by Mackay that publicized the plight of Burma's more than 2,100 political prisoners. Titled “Even Though I’m Free I Am Not” , it portrays former Burmese political prisoners showing solidarity for current prisoners by writing their (the cuurent prisoners') names on their palms. Mackay traveled to Southeast Asia, Australia, Japan, Europe, USA, Canada and Burma to meet and photograph the former prisoners of conscience.

Mackay's work on Burma was previously recognized with two awards in 2009, and is now part of a major campaign that will be exhibited at Amnesty International UK in London between June 15 – 24, as well as at the Edinburgh Festival in August. More of James Mackay's photography can be viewed at Enigma Images